Jobs Karriere


We focus on honesty, appreciation, customer and success orientation

As a manager in the BAUR-Group, you can play an active role in shaping the future. Are you ready to break new ground, do you always keep an eye on current market requirements, do you react professionally and proactively? Then become part of our team.

Old-fashioned management culture? Not with us!

Since 2019, our focus has been on the leadership guidelines, which were implemented and brought to life through a comprehensive training program for all managers in the BAUR-Group. The cultural change in the BAUR-Group, i.e. #embaurment, has been actively promoted since then.

Networker and Communicator

As a networker and communicator, I actively share knowledge and create transparency. I ensure that information is freely accessible and promote interdisciplinary work.

Talent Manager and Sponsor

As someone who understands complexity, I understand the multi-layered and interwoven relationships in my area of responsibility. I know my tasks and contribute to the decision-making process.

Role model

As a role model, I stand behind the company and its cultural values. I exemplify what I demand, take responsibility and promote a culture of mutual trust, feedback and support.

Performance Manager

As a performance manager, I demand and promote performance with the aim of achieving the best results and setting standards through operational excellence. In doing so, I take the interests of my employees into account.

Complexity Manager

As a complexity manager, I make complex contexts and projects manageable, ensure quick decisions and focus on the essentials.


As an innovator, I manage change processes holistically and communicate their purpose and necessity to my employees. I promote new ideas and lateral thinking and create a constructive and trusting environment in which people can try things out and learn from mistakes.

Guiding Light

As a guiding light, I communicate the big picture and the company's goals. Together with my team, I help to achieve them.

Professional and proactive

As a manager, your goal is to advance your department, inspire your employees and, of course, motivate them. You have your tasks fully under control and are operationally involved in important projects. You react professionally and proactively - often one step ahead at best.

Promotion and networking

We strive for a long-term relationship with you as a manager in the BAUR Group and are therefore happy to invest in your continuous development. You will also benefit from being part of the global Otto Group. This offers you a wide range of opportunities for exchange and development, as well as a valuable personal network for your career.

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