Jobs Karriere


b.together - The Cultural Guidelines of the BAUR Group

Our guidelines consist of 7 roles and support our honest, appreciative, customer- and success-oriented Corporate Culture. They are derived from our Management Guidelines and were developed independently by colleagues for colleagues.

Honest, Appreciative, Success- and Customer-oriented

These four terms form the foundation of our Corporate Culture. But what exactly do they mean to us?

  • "Honest": We attach great importance to actions and words matching. We hold our own opinions and stand by them. Mistakes happen, but we admit mistakes and learn from them. We act loyally in and for the company.
  • "Appreciative": We keep our agreements and promises. We treat each other with respect, communicate openly and show genuine interest in the people who work together for the company.
  • "Success-oriented": Every individual is called upon to make an important contribution to success. We measure ourselves by our success and set ourselves challenging goals. Joint success is the guarantee for a good future for our company.
  • "Customer-oriented": Our clients are the most important benchmarks in our actions. We treat our customers in a friendly and accommodating manner. We value them and place their wishes and needs at the center of our work.

Our 7 Cultural Guidelines

As a goal pursuer, I keep an eye on my company and its goals and make my contribution in my daily work.

As someone who understands complexity, I understand the multi-layered and interwoven relationships in my area of responsibility. I know my tasks and contribute to the decision-making process.

As a co-thinker and idea generator, I am open to exploring new paths and support change processes. I get involved in the development of new ideas and see a possible mistake as an opportunity to learn something from it.

As a talented and self-promoting person, I am
willing to learn and strive to develop myself further. I take responsibility and regularly seek feedback on my performance and behavior.

As a role model, I stand behind the company and its values and exemplify them. I behave as I expect my colleagues to behave, take responsibility and make use of the opportunities that trust, feedback and support offer me.

As a service provider, I use my strengths to achieve the best possible results as effectively as possible through operational excellence (= customer focus, quality and efficiency). I complete my tasks within the targets and working hours.

As a networker and communicator, I actively share knowledge and regularly keep myself and others up to date. I provide freely accessible information and exchange ideas with others.

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