Jobs Karriere


We take responsibility - the seven pillars of Sustainable action in the BAUR Group

Nature shows us how it's done - in an ecosystem, the entire living community contributes to maintaining the basis of life for the entire system. Why don't we as a society simply learn something from this? We, and perhaps soon you too, are helping to assume social and ecological responsibility in seven areas.

Sustainability in the BAUR Group

Our seven pillars

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We will reduce oureCO2eemissions by 42% by 2031 compared to 2021.*

*Target validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative.

Cycle & Resources

We apply circular economy principles and solutions and use sustainable materials in all our products.

Supply Chain & Human Rights

We continuously improve our social and environmental performance along our entire supply chain.


We inspire and empower our customers to make conscious and sustainable decisions.


We empower our employees to experience and actively shape sustainability.

Society & Region

We make a significant contribution to society and strengthen the attractiveness of the region and the regional economy.

Digital responsibility

We shape value-oriented digitalization for people and society

Our actions

Regardless of the dimensions of our activities for a more sustainable world. Every small contribution from an individual employee through to the strategic measures of our globally active otto group count when it comes to making our world a little more sustainable.
Here you can read which actions contribute to the seven different topics. Your ideas are also welcome. We look forward to hearing from you.

You can find out more about Sustainability on our Corporate Website.

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