Jobs Karriere

Facility management/technology & construction

Safe, efficient and environmentally conscious

We ensure smooth operations through our Building Management and Technology, protect our resources in security and promote environmental awareness in Waste Management. In Fleet & Travel Management, we also ensure that vehicles are ready for use and that business trips are efficient. Together, we strive for safety and sustainability.

Building management and Technology

We at Building Management and Technology ensure the smooth operation and maintenance of buildings. Our Building Management includes the procurement of operating equipment, cost planning and coordination of conversions and relocations. We are supported by our hard-working tradespeople and painters. Building technology focuses on the maintenance and repair of technical systems such as heating, ventilation, electrics and security. We work together to ensure that our buildings are functional, safe and energy-efficient.


In Plant Security, we protect the company premises and our resources against burglary, theft and vandalism through security concepts and optimized measures. In the area of occupational safety, we ensure a safe and healthy working environment, carry out risk assessments, offer training and provide personal protective equipment. In the area of fire protection, we develop measures for fire prevention and rapid response in the event of an emergency, draw up alarm and evacuation plans and train our employees as fire protection and evacuation assistants.

Environmental and Waste Management

In the BAUR Group, we are actively committed to the environment. In our everyday life, this means that we reduce our waste as much as possible, return recyclable materials to the product cycle and are committed to recycling our waste. As part of our corporate responsibility strategy, we monitor all relevant environmental factors and take further protective measures if necessary. Our employees are made aware of environmentally conscious behavior through training and information campaigns.

Fleet & Travelmanagement

We ensure that all company vehicles are ready for use and roadworthy. After consultation with the specialist departments, we order suitable vehicles, negotiate with suppliers and manage the vehicle data. GEZ, insurance, registrations, vehicle tax, administrative offences and the organization of workshop appointments complete the portfolio. We also take care of claims settlement in the event of accidents and process refueling, including issuing fuel cards.
We also handle business trips and credit card billing, as well as module training for truck drivers, reading/evaluating driver cards and truck mass memory, not forgetting compliance with the legally required driver's license checks.

Jobs from the world of Building Management/Technology & Construction

People Stories

Employees of the BAUR Group

Safety is an indispensable aspect in every company. Find out all about the training courses for our Fire Safety Assistants in this article.

David, Environmental and CR Coordinator, and Alex, responsible for our energy management, tell us more about their tasks in the BAUR Group.

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