Jobs Karriere

E-commerce und marketing

From the advertising banner to the order

We successfully handle all steps relating to online retail. We are responsible for the customer experience and external impact and act professionally, data-driven and with creative ideas.

(Online-) Marketing

Through Customer Management, we acquire new customers and strengthen existing relationships with our regular buyers. We are also responsible for the positive customer experience - we want BAUR visitors to become enthusiastic ambassadors. We develop technological foundations to increase our efficiency. We also test innovative online marketing measures. Our brand, lifestyle & editorial professionals strengthen BAUR's brand image in the public eye. To do this, we use all channels and media, coordinate our social media channels and fill the sections on with editorial content. We are also responsible for topic planning and the economic management of all online and offline marketing campaigns and store offers.

Webshop Consulting

Our Webshop Consulting advises online retailers who want to improve their user experience and conversion rate. We live and breathe user experience and provide our clients with tailor-made e-commerce solutions that fully meet their requirements. We always think across all devices and consider a seamless customer journey. We take care of prototyping for mobile, tablet and stationary devices. Our expertise also includes email marketing, newsletters and campaign management. Our experts implement usability tests, optimize online store templates and carry out qualitative and quantitative surveys.

Photography & Media

Images are our passion and profession. With state-of-the-art equipment, extensive know-how, many years of experience and a great deal of passion, we perfectly showcase the products for BAUR and other clients. We produce advertising material for online and print media, from classic catalogs and mailings to newsletters or directly for the online store. As a full-service partner, we take care of advertising for the BAUR Group - whether in photography, creation or production.

Jobs from the world of E-commerce & Marketing

People Stories

Employees of the BAUR Group

Julia from Online Marketing

She has been working in Online Marketing for a few years and also supervises our interns and working students in this area. You can find out more about her and her job in the article.

Monday half ten - with Melli

Melli has already completed her training at the BAUR Group and now works in the Content Creation & Production department. You can read more about Melli and her work here.

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