Jobs Karriere

Tech & development

Reliable ordering processes, secure Payment Management and IT Security

Facilitating electronic collaboration and successfully digitizing processes are our daily challenges, both on our shopping platforms and internally in our specialist departments. We pay particular attention to the Customer Experience on our shopping platforms.

E-Commerce Platform Technology

To make Internet shopping from the couch really fun, our developers at Empiriecom work on attractive online stores for the optimal appearance and highest performance on the net. Web store owners put together the individual modules according to their personal requirements and our specialists take care of the setup and secure operation. Thanks to continuous further development and optimization, our online stores are always one mouse click ahead of the competition.

Application Management &
Inhouse Consulting

The E-commerce clients of BFS want to offer their customers an outstanding service experience. To achieve this, we work with our clients to design the necessary business processes and develop the functions in our system network - consisting of Warehouse Management Systems, ERP and BI - on an individual basis. We use State-of-the-art Systems that are flexible and scalable in order to provide optimum support for business processes.

IT Infrastructure

BAUR's central IT department creates a secure and future-proof IT Infrastructure for the employees and specialist departments of the BAUR Group - from modern hardware and software to reliable Internet connections and support for technical issues. To achieve this, we rely on our own data center, where our IT specialists fill the areas of infrastructure, production (with print center) and user help desk (AHD) with life and content. We also support the specialist departments as process organizers, e.g. when introducing new software.

Jobs from the world of Tech & Development

People Stories

Employees of the BAUR Group

Is my information at risk? An interview with Marco

Marco has been working for us as an Information Security Officer since 2021. In this article, you can find out what his tasks are and how you can protect your information.

Monday half ten - with Steffen

Steffen has been working in the User Centered Design team since 2013 and supports other units or departments in further developing the BAUR Group's online stores from a user perspective. You can read more about him here.

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