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5 techniques to increase productivity in the home office

23. Jan 2025

5 techniques to increase productivity in the home office
5 techniques to increase productivity in the home office

Working from home has many advantages, but it can also have its challenges. Sometimes it's not so easy to maintain your productivity and organize your working day in a structured way. In this blog post, you'll find 5 tips that can help you work more efficiently and make the most of your time. And who knows, maybe you'll soon be able to answer all your emails by 9:30 am.

1. the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique is a proven method for staying focused and improving time management. The basic idea is simple: you work on a task for 25 minutes without getting distracted. Then you take a 5-minute break to give your brain a short break. After four of these work intervals, known as pomodoros, you should take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. This structure helps to reduce mental fatigue and increase productivity. During the breaks, you can stretch, take a short walk or simply close your eyes. Such short breaks help to recharge your energy and creativity so that you can start the next work phase refreshed.

2. the 2-minute rule
2-minute rule
2-minute rule

The 2-minute rule is a simple but extremely effective trick for increasing productivity. The principle is: if you have a task that takes less than two minutes, do it immediately. This method helps you to tick off small tasks quickly and prevents them from piling up and becoming an unmanageable mountain of to-dos. By tackling these small tasks immediately, you not only create space for more important projects, but you also feel more productive and organized.

3. the power of music
The power of music
The power of music

Music is not only a good companion when relaxing, but can also have a significant impact on our productivity. Studies have shown that music with a certain tempo - between 60 and 80 BPM - can promote concentration and creativity. Music can help to block out distractions and create a pleasant working atmosphere.
Experiment with different music genres to find out what kind of music helps you stay focused best. Instrumental music, such as classical music or relaxing ambient sounds, can be particularly effective as it minimizes cognitive load while stimulating creativity.

4. color and productivity

Colors have a remarkable impact on our mood and productivity. For example, blue encourages creativity and helps to calm the mind, while green provides a sense of calm and relaxation.
Think about how you can color your workspace to maximize your productivity. A few green plants or blue accents can create a positive atmosphere and support the way you work.

5 The importance of micro-goals

Instead of setting big, overwhelming goals, divide your tasks into micro-goals. These small, achievable goals will help you stay focused and increase motivation.
By breaking down your tasks into small, achievable steps, you can strengthen your sense of control and self-efficacy. Each time you achieve a micro-goal, you feel motivated and ready for the next challenge. This method also reduces the risk of procrastination as you won't feel overwhelmed by the size of the task. Instead, you can focus on the next small steps and make continuous progress.

Productivity in the home office doesn't have to be monotonous or frustrating. With these unusual but effective tips, backed by scientific evidence, you can find new ways to work more efficiently. Experiment with different techniques and find out what works best for you. Everyone is different, so take the time to find out what helps you stay productive.

Good luck trying it out!

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Kim Krappmann

Welcome to our BAUR Group JobsBlog.
My name is Kim and I'm currently supporting the HR marketing team as part of my apprenticeship as an e-commerce clerk at BAUR.
Look forward to interesting blog posts and take a look behind the scenes of our company with me. 😊
Have fun reading!

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