Jobs Karriere

HR, Finance & Controlling

We juggle numbers, recruit and book

Everything here revolves around data, facts and our employees. Among other things, we make sure that the annual balance sheets are correct, all invoices are paid, managers are provided with controlling figures and our employees receive their salaries on time.

Human Resources (HR)

We accompany and support all employees of the BAUR Group in Germany - with foresight, understanding and at eye level. We deal with personnel and social issues and are the point of contact for managers, employees and applicants. We consciously and sustainably align our work with the cultural values of the BAUR Group. Our tasks include payroll accounting, filling vacancies, supporting our trainees, interns and students, personnel controlling, personnel marketing, personnel and organizational development and all social matters from health management to occupational medicine.


We always maintain an overview: Our colleagues handle all financial, accounting, tax and legally relevant topics and issues for BAUR Versand. This includes the annual financial statements for BAUR Versand and the domestic subsidiaries. We also manage BAUR's credit business and aim to avoid bad debts.
Our payment experts in payment management at BFS support other companies in their success: they optimize cash flows, minimize the risk of default and create a higher turnover rate. They ensure that companies receive their money in the order-to-cash process and thus secure their liquidity. Our two main areas of expertise are risk management and receivables management.


We provide the company management with the necessary tools and information for their course decisions, control, coordinate and plan. We procure, analyze and prepare data in such a way that it provides our managers with all the important information they need to make decisions. To do this, we often have to rethink quickly, proceed analytically and draw the "right" conclusions for our company. We bring together figures from all specialist areas. Whether business, sales or cost development, reporting or the analysis of deviations from plan: As experienced partners, we support management in all business management issues so that our corporate goals are achieved.

Jobs from the world of HR, Finance & Controlling

People Stories

Employees of the BAUR Group

Introducing the Personnel Marketing team

In this article, you can find out what tasks Monja and Viky have, what they enjoy most about their job and what interns can look forward to at the BAUR Group.

Monday half ten - with Barbara

Barbara is our Head of Human Resources Development. In addition to her tasks, she not only tells you when the best ideas come into her head, but also what she is particularly looking forward to at the weekend.

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