22. Nov 2021
Whether it's for an internship, an apprenticeship or a job change, the biggest step is always the application itself. So that you can start your application without panicking, we have a few application tips for you here.
Of course, these application tips only cover a small part. The perception of a good application can also vary from company to company. Also, the focus of what should and should not be included in an application is always in the eye of the beholder. In this blog post, we have therefore limited ourselves to general application tips that are guaranteed to go down well with us, but also with other companies, of course.
Of course, the cover letter is no longer a requirement for an application these days. Nevertheless, the cover letter is a good way to present yourself and your personality and stand out from the other applicants.
You can show that you have really looked into a job advertisement by addressing the contact person directly in your application. Avoid using the salutation "Dear Sir or Madam" and instead address the recruiter personally. You can usually find the contact details directly in the job advertisement.
Stand out from the other applicants and start your introduction with a significant sentence. For example, talk specifically about the corporate or cultural values of a company or explain why you have chosen this particular company. This is one of the most important application tips to make sure your application stands out.
And we don't mean "emphasize" literally. Of course you can list all your strengths one after the other, but also explain WHY you have exactly these strengths. Example: I am very good at writing and speaking because I was in charge of the blog on the careers website during my internship at company XY.
Be true to yourself and to any gaps you may have in your CV. Don't reinvent yourself and, above all, be honest in your statements. Reliability and your commitment are more important to us than a straightforward CV.
Sometimes less is simply more. For example, your parents' or siblings' occupation does not have to be included in your application. The elementary school you attended is also not important to us. However, we find it much nicer if you summarize your previous activities in bullet points.
Write your CV in reverse chronological order. This means that your current job is at the top and everything from the past is listed below. Don't make any wild leaps in time, but make sure you have a consistent structure.
There are numerous templates for applications and CVs on the internet. As a recruiter, you often come across identical CVs. However, applications that stand out are those that are individual and personalized. So take the plunge and stand out from the crowd.
Just like the cover letter, a photo of yourself is not mandatory. However, it rounds off your application. You don't necessarily have to go to an expensive photographer, you can also take photos yourself. But pay attention to a few things.
Mirror selfies can quickly look unprofessional. Instead, have your photo taken or use the self-timer on your camera. Also make sure you use a favorable camera angle.
A busy background distracts from your person. So it's best to take the photo in front of a plain wall.
Make sure that the exposure of your photo is not too bright, but not too dark either. Unfavorable shadows on your face can make you look tired.
When you open an application, it's nice when people smile directly at you. So give your application a beaming smile.
Your report card from the 5th grade or a certificate for your seahorse in swimming lessons are not important. What counts are current documents, such as school-leaving certificates, the latest grade sheet and your most recent work or internship references. Be honest here too and don't be ashamed of your grades. What counts is your personality!
Don't just take photos of your documents, scan them in. This looks neater and shows that you have taken the time to prepare your application.
Do not upload all documents individually, but combine them into one PDF file. This way you can be sure that no documents will be lost. A PDF file also ensures that it can be opened by the recruiter.
Make sure the background is calm. On the one hand, this applies to the room you are in. Focus attention purely on yourself and therefore choose a place with a plain background for the interview. Secondly, the calm background also applies to your entire surroundings. Let your family or flatmates know that you have an interview and would like to be undisturbed.
Next, you should prepare yourself well for the interview. Find out about the company and look into the work and cultural values, for example. Familiarize yourself with the requirements of the position and prepare yourself accordingly.
Prepare yourself by going to the toilet before the interview and making yourself something to drink.
This not only includes a stable internet connection, but also making sure that your device is fully charged. Before your interview, also check whether Microsoft Teams or other video platforms you are using for the interview are supported by your device. Above all, check that your camera and microphone are working.
The tips for the online interview naturally also apply to an on-site interview. Nevertheless, there are additional conditions for the on-site interview.
Whether your interview is online or on site: In both cases, you should always be on time. So plan enough time in advance so that you arrive on time.
Be prepared for all eventualities during your interview. This means, for example, making sure that your connections arrive on time on the day of your interview or that you don't get caught in a traffic jam on the way.
Clothing makes the first impression in an on-site interview. So make sure you dress properly. Above all, however, it is important that you feel comfortable in your clothes and don't pretend. Just be yourself!
We have already presented our application tips in pictures on our Instagram account in the past. If you missed that, then take a look at our story highlight "Application". We've saved all the tips for you here.
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Welcome to the JobsBlog of the BAUR Group! My name is Sybille and I am a working student in the field of personnel marketing. Alongside my colleague, I also write blog posts from time to time.
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